Chrono Kingdom |
Luxator |

HP | 3000
| Innate | White
| Attack | 140
| Defense | 70
| Magic | 30
| Mag Def | 28
| Drop: Common | UltraNova
| Drop: Rare | UltraNova
| Steal: Common | White Brooch
| Steal: Rare | Angel Charm
| Location | Terra Tower |
Lynx |

HP | 820/1000
| Innate | Black
| Attack | 26/60
| Defense | 1/31
| Magic | 10/17
| Mag Def | 7/29
| Drop: Common | Pendragon Sigil C/Pendragon Sigil B
| Drop: Rare | Gravitonne/Sky Djinn Ring
| Steal: Common | Magic Ring/Pendragon Sigil B
| Steal: Rare | Power Glove/Sky Djinn Ring
| Location | Viper Manor, Fort Dragonia |
Mama Komodo |

HP | 160
| Innate | Blue
| Attack | 13
| Defense | 1
| Magic | 7
| Mag Def | 0
| Drop: Common | Fang
| Drop: Rare | x1Tablet
| Steal: Common | N/A
| Steal: Rare | N/A
| Location | Lizard Rock |
Marcy |

HP | 525/300
| Innate | Blue
| Attack | 30/27
| Defense | 0/16
| Magic | 5/8
| Mag Def | 0/11
| Drop: Common | IceBlast/Iron Vest
| Drop: Rare | Iron/Dancing Shoes
| Steal: Common | Silver Loupe/IceBlast
| Steal: Rare | Dancing Shoes/x1Nostrum
| Location | Viper Manor, Mount Pyre |
Megastarky |

HP | 2800
| Innate | White
| Attack | 65
| Defense | 39
| Magic | 12
| Mag Def | 10
| Drop: Common | MagNegate
| Drop: Rare | MagNegate
| Steal: Common | Angel Charm
| Steal: Rare | White Brooch
| Location | Sky Dragon Isle |
Miguel |

HP | 1950
| Innate | White
| Attack | 69
| Defense | 55
| Magic | 20
| Mag Def | 14
| Drop: Common | Dreamer's Scarf
| Drop: Rare | Dreamer's Scarf
| Steal: Common | N/A
| Steal: Rare | N/A
| Location | Dead Sea |
Neo-N-Bulb |

HP | 160
| Innate | Green
| Attack | 28
| Defense | 4
| Magic | 10
| Mag Def | 1
| Drop: Common | AeroSaucer
| Drop: Rare | EagleEye
| Steal: Common | Seed
Steal(H): Heal
| Location | Viper Manor |
Orlha |

HP | 1800
| Innate | Blue
| Attack | 78
| Defense | 49
| Magic | 20
| Mag Def | 8
| Drop: Common | Mythril
| Drop: Rare | Waist Pad
| Steal: Common | Kung-Fu Shoes
| Steal: Rare | Kung-Fu Shoes
| Location | Guldove |
Ozzie |

HP | 2000
| Innate | Green
| Attack | 88
| Defense | 68
| Magic | 10
| Mag Def | 10
| Drop: Common | Ozzie Pants
| Drop: Rare | Ozzie Pants
| Steal: Common | x1Antidote
| Steal: Rare | Tornado
| Location | Bend of Time |
Pentapus |

HP | 600
| Innate | Green
| Attack | 36
| Defense | 15
| Magic | 10
| Mag Def | 5
| Drop: Common | AquaBall
| Drop: Rare | IceBlast
| Steal: Common | N/A
| Steal: Rare | N/A
| Location | Hydra Marshes |
Peppor |

HP | 60/90/90/180/483/1000
| Innate | Yellow
| Attack | 10/10/10/13/33/75
| Defense | 0/0/0/0/16/43
| Magic | 5/10/5/10/10/10
| Mag Def | 0/5/0/5/9/12
| Drop: Common | Ivory Helmet/Uplift/Uplift/x1Brace/IronMail/Denadorite
| Drop: Rare | Copper/Copper/x1Tablet/Magic Ring/Dragoon Gauntlet/
Stone Mail
| Steal: Common | x1Tablet/Ivory Helmet/Ivory Helmet/Plaster Cap/Pendragon
Sigil B/Forget-Me-Not Pot
| Steal: Rare | Knee Pad/x1Tablet/x1Tablet/Power Glove/x1Nostrum/N/A
| Location | Cape Howl, Fossil Valley, Viper Manor Gates, Shadow Forest,
Mount Pyre, Isle of the Damned |
Polispolice |

HP | 3200
| Innate | White
| Attack | 115
| Defense | 100
| Magic | 35
| Mag Def | 52
| Drop: Common | PhysNegate
| Drop: Rare | x1Capsule
| Steal: Common | Rainbow Shell
| Steal: Rare | Rainbow Shell
| Location | Chronopolis |
Pyrotor |

HP | 2400
| Innate | Red
| Attack | 130
| Defense | 55
| Magic | 22
| Mag Def | 20
| Drop: Common | RedField
| Drop: Rare | RedField
| Steal: Common | Red Brooch
| Steal: Rare | Flame Charm
| Location | Terra Tower |
Radius |

HP | 750
| Innate | Green
| Attack | 44
| Defense | 38
| Magic | 15
| Mag Def | 15
| Drop: Common | Pendragon Sigil C
| Drop: Rare | Gravitonne
| Steal: Common | Heal
| Steal: Rare | Magnify
| Location | Arni Village |
Roachester |

HP | 1245
| Innate | Blue
| Attack | 66
| Defense | 54
| Magic | 20
| Mag Def | 12
| Drop: Common | Elbow Pad
| Drop: Rare | Elbow Pad
| Steal: Common | N/A
| Steal: Rare | N/A
| Location | Viper Manor Sewers |
Royal Jelly |

HP | 1657
| Innate | Blue
| Attack | 64
| Defense | 30
| Magic | 12
| Mag Def | 10
| Drop: Common | Resistance Belt
| Drop: Rare | Resistance Belt
| Steal: Common | Earring of Light
| Steal: Rare | Magic Ring
| Location | El Nido Triangle |
Sage of Marbule |

HP | 1500
| Innate | White
| Attack | 56
| Defense | 41
| Magic | 25
| Mag Def | 20
| Drop: Common | Mythril Helmet
| Drop: Rare | Mythril Helmet
| Steal: Common | N/A
| Steal: Rare | N/A
| Location | S.S. Zelbess |
Sky Dragon |

HP | 3800
| Innate | White
| Attack | 97
| Defense | 61
| Magic | 20
| Mag Def | 15
| Drop: Common | *Saints
| Drop: Rare | *Saints
| Steal: Common | White Plate
| Steal: Rare | White Plate
| Location | Sky Dragon Isle |
Slash |

HP | 1400
| Innate | Blue
| Attack | 70
| Defense | 58
| Magic | 10
| Mag Def | 5
| Drop: Common | Slasher
| Drop: Rare | Third Eye
| Steal: Common | Iceberg
| Steal: Rare | Iceberg
| Location | Bend of Time |
Solt |

HP | 52/80/80/150/500/900
| Innate | Yellow
| Attack | 9/9/9/12/32/70
| Defense | 0/0/0/0/17/39
| Magic | 7/7/7/10/10/10
| Mag Def | 0/0/0/5/10/15
| Drop: Common | Ivory Vest/Copper/Copper/Copper/Iron Vest/Denadorite
| Drop: Rare | Copper/ElectroJolt/ElectroJolt/Copper/Sky Djinn Ring/Stone
| Steal: Common | x1Tablet/Ivory Helmet/Ivory Helmet/Bronze Vest/x1Nostrum/
Resistance Vest
| Steal: Rare | Silver Loupe/TurnBlack/TurnBlack/Dancing Shoes/Kung-Fu
Shoes/Pendragon Sigil A
| Location | Cape Howl, Fossil Valley, Viper Manor Gates, Shadow Forest,
Mount Pyre, Isle of the Damned |
Sunofagun |

HP | 365
| Innate | White
| Attack | 47
| Defense | 68
| Magic | 12
| Mag Def | 50
| Drop: Common | Iron
| Drop: Rare | Iron
| Steal: Common | Screw
| Steal: Rare | Screw
| Location | Fort Dragonia |
Taurusoid |

HP | 1200
| Innate | Green
| Attack | 43
| Defense | 40
| Magic | 6
| Mag Def | 0
| Drop: Common | Fang
| Drop: Rare | Iron Vest
| Steal: Common | VTornado
| Steal: Rare | VSonja
| Location | Fort Dragonia |
Terrator |

HP | 2200
| Innate | Yellow
| Attack | 100
| Defense | 65
| Magic | 20
| Mag Def | 16
| Drop: Common | YellowField
| Drop: Rare | YellowField
| Steal: Common | Yellow Brooch
| Steal: Rare | Earth Charm
| Location | Terra Tower |
Time Devourer |

HP | ????/????
| Innate | Various/White
| Attack | 120/120
| Defense | 93/95
| Magic | 30/23
| Mag Def | 45/47
| Drop: Common | Earring of Hope/N/A
| Drop: Rare | Earring of Hope/N/A
| Steal: Common | HolyLight/x1Nostrum
| Steal: Rare | HolyLight/x1Nostrum
| Location | Terra Tower, Darkness at the End of Time |
Tyrano |

HP | 1600
| Innate | Red
| Attack | 80
| Defense | 55
| Magic | 15
| Mag Def | 20
| Drop: Common | Resistance Ring
| Drop: Rare | Resistance Ring
| Steal: Common | Power Seal
| Steal: Rare | Gold Earring
| Location | Gaea's Navel |
Viper |

HP | 820
| Innate | Yellow
| Attack | 46
| Defense | 30
| Magic | 16
| Mag Def | 15
| Drop: Common | Dragoon Gauntlet
| Drop: Rare | Mythril Mail
| Steal: Common | Stamina Ring
| Steal: Rare | Stamina Ring
| Location | Fort Dragonia |
Vita Dos |

HP | 2500
| Innate | Green
| Attack | 100
| Defense | 100
| Magic | 32
| Mag Def | 70
| Drop: Common | Earring of Light
| Drop: Rare | Diva Dress
| Steal: Common | White Brooch
| Steal: Rare | HolyHealing
| Location | Sea of Eden |
Vita Tres |

HP | 2500
| Innate | Blue
| Attack | 100
| Defense | 100
| Magic | 32
| Mag Def | 70
| Drop: Common | Diva Dress
| Drop: Rare | Golden Tiara
| Steal: Common | White Brooch
| Steal: Rare | HolyHealing
| Location | Sea of Eden |
Vita Unus |

HP | 2500
| Innate | Red
| Attack | 105
| Defense | 105
| Magic | 30
| Mag Def | 65
| Drop: Common | Vigora
| Drop: Rare | Vigora
| Steal: Common | White Brooch
| Steal: Rare | Diva Dress
| Location | Sea of Eden |
Water Dragon |

HP | 2800
| Innate | Blue
| Attack | 84
| Defense | 50
| Magic | 15
| Mag Def | 11
| Drop: Common | *BlueWhale
| Drop: Rare | *BlueWhale
| Steal: Common | Blue Plate
| Steal: Rare | Blue Plate
| Location | Water Dragon Isle |
Wingapede |

HP | 430
| Innate | Green
| Attack | 32
| Defense | 12
| Magic | 8
| Mag Def | 3
| Drop: Common | AeroSaucer
| Drop: Rare | Leather
| Steal: Common | Antitoxinal Cap
| Steal: Rare | Iron
| Location | Hydra Marshes |
Zoah |

HP | 200/436
| Innate | Yellow
| Attack | 14/30
| Defense | 0/12
| Magic | 6/7
| Mag Def | 0/7
| Drop: Common | Ivory Mail/Gold Earring
| Drop: Rare | Bronze Glove/Gold Earring
| Steal: Common | Knee Pad/Stamina Ring
| Steal: Rare | Knee Pad/Stamina Ring
| Location | Shadow Forest, Mount Pyre |