Action Cards
Name: Mercury Dropped By: Bone Head Location: Catacombs |
Name: Venus Dropped By: Slime Location: Catacombs Abyss Corridor Audience Room |
Name: Jupiter
Dropped By: Heat Shade
Location: Machine Tower
Name: Mars
Dropped By: Flying Sword
Location: Chapel Tower
Name: Diana
Dropped By: Man Eater
Location: Underground gallery
Name: Apollo
Dropped By: Arc Demon
Location: Underground Storage
Name: Neptune
Dropped By: Ice Armor
Location: Underground Waterway
Name: Saturn
Dropped By: Fallen Angel
Location: Chapel Tower (By the Battle Arena)
Name: Uranus
Dropped By: Scary Candle
Location: Golem Boss Room (Defeat Camilla first)
Name: Pluto
Dropped By: Trick Candle
Location: Cerberus Boss Room (Defeat Camilla first)
Attribute Cards
Name: Salamander
Dropped By: Bomb Skeleton
Location: Catacombs
Name: Serpent
Dropped By: Earth Demon
Location: Catacombs
Name: Mandragora
Dropped By: Axe Armor
Location: Abyss Corridor Audience Room
Name: Golem
Dropped By: Lightning Skeleton
Location: Audience Room
Name: Cockatrice
Dropped By: Stone Armor
Location: Machine Tower
Name: Manticore
Dropped By: Thunder Demon
Location: Machine Tower
Name: Griffon
Dropped By: Skeleton Athletes
Location: Audience Room
Name: Thunderbird
Dropped By: Were Panther
Location: Chapel Tower
Name: Unicorn
Dropped By: White Armor
Location: Battle Arena
Name: Black Dog
Dropped By: Devil Armor
Location: Battle Arena
Card Combos
Use Fire Whip. Str+5 6 MP |
Use Ice Whip. Str+30% 2 MP |
Use Thorn Whip. Str+10% 6 MP |
Use Earth Whip. 8 MP |
Use Stone Whip. Str+10% 6 MP |
Use Poison Whip. Str-10% 6 MP |
Use Wind Whip. Str-15% 10 MP |
Use Electric Whip. 10 MP |
Use Holy Whip. Str+20% 20 MP |
Use dark Whip. Str+40% 40 MP |
Luck+25% 4 MP |
Defense increases with the % of map covered. |
Gain Exp while walking around. |
Gain double the amount of hearts collected. |
Int+25% 4 MP |
Strength increases with the amount of map uncovered. |
Def+50% Str-50% 8 MP |
Def-50% Str+50% 8 MP |
Two powerful fireballs circle you. 4 MP |
Ice balls circle you, and can freeze enemies. 4 MP |
Health is slowly restored while standing still. 16 MP |
After hit, the duration of invisibility is increased 4x longer. 4 MP |
Turn to stone with limited movement. Nullifies Stone, Poison, Curse, and Freeze. 8 MP |
A cloud of poison myst surrounds you. 4 MP |
While dashing, a sonic wave appears in front of you for protection. 4 MP |
You will be sent flying when hit, but damage is half what it normally is. 4 MP |
A circular barrier surrounds you. 8 MP |
A black hole surrounds you, but it will decrease your HP gradually. 8 MP |
Use Fire Sword. Str+10% 8 MP |
Use Ice Sword. Str+30% 4 MP |
Use Rose Sword. Str+10% 10 MP |
Use Hammer weapon. 4 MP |
Use Tonfers. Str+20% 12 MP |
Use Poison Claws.m Str-10% 8 MP |
Use Sword Draw. Hold button longer for a stronger attack. Str+40% 16 MP |
Use martial Arts. Rapidly press the attck button for combo attacks. 16 MP |
Use Holy Sword. Str+70% 32 MP |
Use Gun. Slow to fire, but has a long range with massive power. Str+100% 32 MP |
1 fireball shoots out with each attack. |
3 Ice blocks shoot out with each attack. |
3 rose pettal plumes shoot out with each attack. |
Earthquake is released with each attack. |
3 rocks are thrown with each attack. |
Whip releases poison gas upawrds with each swing. |
Wind wave is released with each attack. |
Whip is electrified when spun. |
A guided shell is released with each attack. |
8 dark balls are released around you with each attack. |
Fire bomb is thrown with , , , and then attack. |
An Ice Ball is thrown with , , , and then attack. |
A rose is thrown with , , , and then attack. |
Stalagmites are raised from the ground with , , , and then attack. |
Comets rain down on enemies with , , , and then attack. |
Poison bomb is detonated with , , , and then attack. |
A tornado is created with , , , and then attack. |
A lightning bomb is thrown with , , , and then attack. |
Arrows of light rain down with , , , and then attack. |
A black hole is thrown with , , , and then attack. |
Fire attacks reduce MP and restore HP |
Ice attacks reduce MP and restore HP |
Plant attacks reduce MP and restore HP |
Earth attacks reduce MP and restore HP |
Stone attacks reduce MP and restore HP |
Poison attacks reduce MP and restore HP |
Wind attacks reduce MP and restore HP |
Lightning attacks reduce MP and restore HP |
Light attacks reduce MP and restore HP |
Dark attacks reduce MP and restore HP |
Summons bat familiar |
Summons ghost familiar |
Summons owl familiar |
Summons hawk familiar |
Summons Medusa Head familiar |
Summons ghast familiar |
Summons wind sprite familiar |
Summons crow familiar |
Summons cherub familiar |
Summons imp familiar |
Summons Salamander into battle |
Summons Serpent into battle |
Summons Mandragora into battle |
Summons Golem into battle |
Summons Cockatrice into battle |
Summons Manticore into battle |
Summons Griffon into battle |
Summons Thunderbird into battle |
Summons Unicorn into battle |
Summons Black Dog into battle |
Weapon attack is unleashed with , , , and then attack. |
# of weeapons thrown doubles |
Gain 20% more Exp with each enemy killed |
Project an image of yourself to double attacks |
Defense increases with elapsed game time |
Weapons use MP instead of hearts |
Walking and dash speed increase |
Damage given increases with elapsed game time |
Your body glows and nothing can hit you. You can't hit anything in return |
Transform into a skeleton |