Kingdom Hearts Kingdom |
Square-Enix Characters
Wakka |
First Appearance |
Final Fantasy X, 2001 |
Wakka is the older boy who looks out for everyone else on Destiny Islands. Dependable and friendly, he loves to play with his Blitzball. |
Selphie |
First Appearance |
Final Fantasy VIII, 1999 |
Selphie lives with the other kids on Destiny Islands. She is rather impulsive and romantic. But don't let that fool you. She is still great in a fight. |
Tidus |
First Appearance |
Final Fantasy X, 2001 |
A cheerful and self-confident young man, Tidus also lives on Destiny Island with his friends. Tidus considers himself the champ of everything, and he is one tough cookie. |
Cid Highwind |
First Appearance |
Final fantasy VII, 1997 |
Cid is an expert engineer and top rate pilot. He set up resident with his friends, when his world was taken over by the Heartless. Though he cannot for the life of him remember Sora and his friends, he knows that they are his friends. Though this is somewhat confusing to him, he does what he can to help. |
Moogles |
First Appearance |
Final Fantasy III, 1990 |
Moogles are the cutest and friendliest beings in the universe. They run Moogle shop located throughout the halls of Castle Oblivion, and are expert craftsmen. They have made their own Map Cards, so they can be found anywhere to aid Sora, Donald, and Goofy. |
Leon (Squall) |
First Appearance |
Final Fantasy VIII, 1999 |
Leon's true name is Squall Leonheart. A true swordsman, he assisted Sora and company when they destroyed the Heartless. But now he cannot remember ever meeting his friends. Still, he feels the familiarity with them, and knows they speak the truth. |
Aerith |
First Appearance |
Final fantasy VII, 1997 |
Aerith is a flower girl, who lost her home to the dreaded Heartless. She is a strong-willed young woman, but also shows a gentleness rarely seen. She was the first to realize what her friends were feeling was the strength of Sora's memories. It was her also who told Sora of the dangers of going further into the castle, and what he will lose. |
Yuffie |
First Appearance |
Final fantasy VII, 1997 |
Expert Ninja extrordinare. Yuffie considers her skills as a ninja unmatched in the universe. She along with her friends escaped their world when the Heartless invaded. Now she spends her time assisting Leon and Aerith. She also does not remember Sora, but her heart tells her he is her friend. |
Cloud Strife |
First Appearance |
Final fantasy VII, 1997 |
Cloud is a warrior that was tricked into working for Hades to defeat Hercules. After his defeat, he chooses to help Sora and company on their journey. He is currently searching the universe for what he believes is the dark side of his heart...Sephiroth. |
Ansem |
First Appearance |
Kingdom Hearts, 2002 |
Ansem, through a series of experiments, sought to open the door to the darkness. He used the Heartless to steal countless hearts. He then enslaved Riku into his control, but was defeated in the end by Sora. None the less, his shadow still lingers within the depths of Riku's heart. |
Diz |
First Appearance |
Chain of Memories, 2004 |
Truly an enigma. DiZ appears before Riku in the form of Ansem, at the beginning of his quest. He presents Riku with choices regarding the darkness within his heart. Diz's true person is not known, but it is said that he and King Mickey have met before. |