Crystal Bearers

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final fantasy crystal chronicles crystal bearers screenshotThere is very little information released for The Crystal Bearers. At this time, we know that the story is different from other titles in the series, in that rather than the player making the journey of becoming a hero, you will begin as a proven hero. Director Toshiyuki Itahana explained this by saying that instead of being a story about growth, the story will show what the hero does in certain situations. This is a definite contrast to most titles in the franchise all together, as well as being completely different from the Crystal Chronicles series. Outside of this litte bit of information, we know the story opens with the crashing of an airship, and the main character saving the day. He will then set out to find out why it crashed, and who caused it to crash in the first place.

The Crystal Bearers finally focuses on single player, rather than a multi-player experience, which seems to be the big turn off of the previous titles. In the trailer (below) it shows that not only do you do ground combat, but you will also be fighting in the air as well. Players can make use of their abilities, as well as standard weapons. Magic has not been confirmed, but will surely make the appearance in the game.
The graphics of the game look simply amazing for the Wii. It also seems the protagonist of the game is more adult in appearance than the main characters of the Crystal Chronicles series. It is hoped that this will aslo mean the game is a bit less childish than other titles. But that cannot be confirmed or denied.
It has been said that you will be using both the Wii remote, as well as the Nunchuck attachment to play the game. But outside of saying they are trying to keep the controls simple, no other information has been released about the controls.

final fantasy crystal chronicles crystal bearers screen

With no tentative release date for the Crystal Bearers, it is placed right along side Final Fantasy XIII, as the anticipated title for the next generation of console games. And wait we must do. Final Fantasy Wiki has the release set for 2008 TBA, and Wikipedia has it as TBA. As I gather more information on this title, I will begin to expand the coverage in the Kingdom. This one actually looks like it might just be a great game to play...when it is finally released.

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