In A Link to the Past, there is introduced a form of transportation of sorts. But it is not given immediately. You might have noticed a boy playing a flute in the glade south of town. But as you approach, he always vanishes. If you return to town and speak with the old man in the bar, he will tell you about his grandson who loved to play the flute. But he suddenly disappeared.
Once you get into the Dark World, return to the glade there. You will discover an odd creature sitting there. He explains that he is the boy you are looking for. He has buried his flute in the Light World and wishes you to find it. He will hand over the shovel, and you can go look for it. Bring it back to him, and he will ask to play it one more time. He will then become something of a tree.
Return to the town in the Light World, and play it for the Old Man. He will tell you to play it in the square. When you do, the weather vein will break, releasing a bird. Now, any time you play the flute in the Light World, the bird will lift you up and take you to 1 of 8 locations. These locations are shown below.
1 - Town Square
2 - Death Mountain
3 - Syrup's Hut
4 - Link's House
5 - Eastern Warp
6 - Desert Warp
7 - Flood Gate Control
8 - Southwest Area |