Final Fantasy II

Pixel Remaster

Final Fantasy II Weapons

Any of the weapons in Final Fantasy II can be used by all characters. The initial weapon of the character is usually their strongest weapon. You need to equip a weapon, and continuously use it in battle. When this happens, your proficiency with that particular weapon goes up. It is a good idea to have two major fighters with swords/axes, and have your back defense use bows, to give them the full damage ability.


Name Cost Atk Acc Notes
Blood - 0 0 Transfers damage as HP
Broad 400 8 60 -
Long 600 8 60 -
Mithril 1800 13 50 -
Ancient - 25 10 Causes Curse
Sleep - 30 10 Causes sleep
Wing 5000 42 56 -
Earth - 52 58 -
Flame - 63 60 Deals Fire damage
Defense - 78 64 Raises evasion
Ice - 72 62 Deals Ice damage
Sun - 83 65 damage vs undead is doubled
Xcalibr - 100 75 -
Masmune - 150 90 -


Name Cost Atk Acc Notes
Knife 150 3 75 -
Dagger 400 7 65 -
Mithril 800 14 67 -
Gouche - 32 70 Increases evasion
Orichon - 50 72 -
Ripper - 69 75 Cuases second amount of damage when strikes
CatClaw - 86 80 -


Name Cost Atk Acc Notes
Axe 500 10 55 -
Battle 800 15 45 -
Mithril 2000 22 45 -
Demon 10000 27 45 -
Ogre 15000 58 50 Extra damage vs ogres and giants
Poison - 76 55 May cause Poison status
Rune - 95 60 Effective vs magic foes/casts Fog6 as an item


Name Cost Atk Acc Notes
Bow 150 1 50 -
Long 250 5 40 -
Mithril 1000 13 40 -
Blind - 25 0 May cuase blindness
Flame - 42 47 Causes fire damage
Ice - 56 50 Causes ice damage
Yoichi - 90 75 Casts Berserk3 as an item


Name Cost Atk Acc Notes
Javelin 300 6 65 -
Spear 500 11 55 -
Mithril 1500 18 55 -
Trident 5000 30 57 -
Demon 10000 42 60 -
Flame 15000 54 62 Causes fire damage
Ice - 66 65 Causes ice damage
Bolt - 78 67 Causes lightning damage/casts Bolt16 as an item
Holy - 90 70 Causes holy damage/casts Holy8 as an item


Name Cost Atk Acc Notes
Cane 250 4 70 -
Mace 500 9 60 -
Mithril 1500 16 60 -
Were 3000 28 62 Double damage vs Werebeasts
Magic - 40 64 Casts Bolt5 as an item
Power 8000 53 66 -
Evil - 64 68 Casts Venom16 at a random target as an item
Greed - 78 70 Heals target when strikes
Diamond - 90 75 -

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