Final Fantasy X-2

Final Fantasy X-2 Blue Bullets

The Gun Mage Dressphere (which is obtained in either Chapter 1 or Chapter 2) will come with the Blue Bullet ability, which is the same as the Blue Magic/Enemy Skills that have appeared in earlier titles.
If you have a Gun Mage in the party when a enemy uses one of the skills below, the Gun Mage will learn the skill. And unlike most other titles before, the Gun Mage does not have to survive the attack to learn it. (Finally they are giving us a break)
16 Blue Bullet abilities are available, with two of them being a little tricky to get a hold of. These final two, White Wind and Mighty Guard, are defensive spells. Basically this means they will not be cast on you without help.
To learn the two abilities, you'll need to cast confuse on the enemy. Below is an entire list of possible ways to get these spells. (And trust me you want them)

Full Throttle's Crazy Wing, Dark Knight's Confuse, Floral Fallal's Panic Floralysis, Machina Maw's Confuse Missile, Lady Luck's Tantalize, and Alchemist's Blaster Mine mix (combine a Potion with a Sleep Grenade)
Once this is done, you just simply have to wait for them to hit you with the spell. And this might take some times. (Don't you wish you had the Manipulate ability right about now?)

Name Learned From Description MP
Fire Breath Balivarha Deals fire damage. 28
Seed Cannon Leukophylla, Cephalotus Deals damage. 28
Stone Breath Tomb, Monolith, Dolmen, Epitaph Petrify cast on enemies. 32
Absorb Protochimera, Haizhe, Baralai, Flan Azabache, Jahi, Cindy, Vegnagun Absorb some HP/MP from enemy. 3
White Wind Bully Cap, Coeurl, Queen Couerl, Mycotoxin, Ms. Goon Restores HP, removes status effects. 16
Bad Breath Malboro, Great Malboro Deals various status ailments. 64
Mighty Guard Garik Ronso, Haizhe Shell and Protect on party. 32
Supernova Ultima Weapon, Paragon Damage to all enemies. 70
Cry in the Night Mega Tonberry Damage to all enemies. 80
Drill Shot Baralai Damage to an enemy. 32
Mortar Gippal Damage to all enemies. 99
Annihilator Experiment Damage to all enemies. 48
Heaven's Cataract Kukulcan, Gucumantz, Chac Lowers enemies Defense and Magic Defense. 22
1000 Needles Cactuar Needle attack on an enemy. 24
Storm Cannon Ironside Damage to all enemies. 38
Blaster Coeurl, Queen Coeurl Damage to an enemy. 30

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