9-13-1985 |
11-17-1985 |
5-15-1985 |
5-15-1985 |
Super Mario Brothers was first released in America in 1985, with the release of the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). It was the first successful video game, since the video game crash that took place two years prior. Mario Brothers not only shot the sales of the Nintendo through the roof, it became the single most successful title in the history of video games. As of 2008, Super Mario Brothers has sold over 40 million copies world wide. There is truly something magical about the game that has completely stood the test of time, even after the graphics and sound have become far beyond outdated. There is a lot of reasons for the success of Mario. The first would simply be the playability of the title. The controls are very simple to get the hang of, and the challenge was made to where almost anyone of any age can play. The strategy for the game was also simple. You have to reach the end of each sub-level in a set amount of time. You can get helpful items, such as Mushrooms, and Fire Flowers to aid you in getting past the enemies that come at you. At the end of the level you jump to a flag, and slide down to the entrance. In the final sub-level of each main level, you traverse a large castle, to save a member of the toad race. You will face a Bowser boss in each one. As the levels increase, the difficulty is increased slightly. The graphics for Mario Brothers were actually very well done, though they are extremely dated now. The levels were very bright, and colorful. The enemies, moved well, and even the characters were distinct. Blocks, coins, and flowers shimmered, rather than just being static objects. For a lot of us, who had not seen video games, this was just beyond anything that had been seen before. The music for Super Mario Brothers is some of the best known in the world. Even those who have not played the game, can easily recognize the first couple of bars of the theme song. The music, by Koji Kondo, has been considered a representation for video game music in general. It spans all boundaries, and languages. There is very little other platform music that has reached the status of the first titles score. The game added a hard mode after you beat the game, where the Goomba's are replaced by Buzzy Beetles, The enemy pace is quickened, and the lifts are made shorter. This was the first title to have the ability to play the game again with a different difficulty setting. (We know know these types of features as New Game+) The game was not without its glitches though. There is a minus level that is found at the end of world 1-2. Once inside, you will find it is similar to world 2-2, and 7-2. But when you reach the end, and enter the warp pipe, you are taken back to the beginning of the level. This was a bit of frustration for some at the time, who did not know this was a glitch in the game. Also at the end of world 3-2, you are able to get infinate 1-Ups, by repeatedly hitting a Koopa into the wall. The downfall to this, was after so many lives, the game would glitch. If you died one time after this glitch happened, the game was done, and you had to begin from the first level again. This was due to the amount of lives being limited in the NES version. Though you could go on for ever, the program could not. Thus it ended your progress with the first KO. Without a doubt, Mario Brothers is truly the beginning of the video game era. There has been no other platform in the history of gaming that has reached the popularity status of this title, let alone the sales of it. If you have not ever played the original Mario Brothers for the NES, (Have you have been living under a rock or something??) you should definitely find a version of it. It is fun as all get, and well worth the investment.