Super Mario World

super mario world boss reznor


There are four Reznors in a fight, riding a spinning platform. You must knock all four off and get on a platform, before the floor gets completely destroyed.

super mario world boss Iggy

Iggy Koopa

You must knock Iggy off the platform wither by jumping on him, or shooting fireballs at him.

super mario world boss Morton

Morton Koopa

You must stomp on Morton's head three times to defeat him. When he lands from the ceiling, the shock will stun Mario for a second if he is on the floor.

super mario world boss Lemmy

Lemmy Koopa

You must stomp on Lemmy Koopa's head three times to beat him. He will come out of a random pipe, with two decoys. There is also a Podoboo floating around the room.

super mario world boss Ludwig

Ludwig Von Koopa

Jump on Ludwig's head three times. Each time you jump on his head, he will retract into his shell, and chase you for some time. When he pops out, jump on him again.

super mario world boss Roy

Roy Koopa

The same battle as with Morton Koopa, only Roy moves faster, and the walls slowly close in.

super mario world boss Wendy

Wendy Koopa

This battle is the same as with Lemmy, but there are two Podoboo's floating around.

super mario world boss Larry

Larry Koopa

This is the same as the first fight, only there is a fireball rising and falling from the lava in three places on the platform: Left, center, and right.

super mario world boss Bowser

Bowser Koopa

There is three different phases to the fight with Bowser. In each phase, you will have to hit him in the head with Two Mechakoopa's.
In phase two, Bowser will begin dropping giant steel balls on Mario. A spin jump can eliminate these.
In phase three, Bowsers vehicle will begin bouncing, rather than just floating.
At the beginning of phase 2 and 3, Peach emerges from the Clown, and throws Mario a Mushroom.

Sub Bosses

super mario world boss mechakoopa


Mecha Koopa's are thrown by Bowser in an attempt to hit Mario. One stomp will enable you to pick them up and throw them at Bowser instead.
If you stomp on them twice, or hit them with a fireball, they will be destroyed.

super mario world boss steel ball

Steel Ball

This ball drops out of Bowsers Clown vehicle after the beginning of phase 2 in the fight. It can be avoided, or a spinning cape attack will destroy it.
You will know it is coming, by Bowser turning his vehicle upside down.

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