Super Mario Brothers 3

Name Points

super mario 3 enemy Goomba
Goomba 100

super mario 3 enemy Micro Goomba
Micro-Goomba -

super mario 3 enemy paragoomba
Para-Goomba 100

super mario 3 enemy Pile Driver
Pile Driver 100

super mario 3 enemy giant goomba
Giant Goomba 100

super mario 3 enemy koopa
Koopa 100

super mario 3 enemy koopa paratroopa
Koopa Paratroopa 100

super mario 3 enemy giant koopa
Giant Koopa 100

super mario 3 enemy Giant parakoopa
Giant Parakoopa 100

super mario 3 enemy rocky wrench
Rocky Wrench 100

super mario 3 enemy spike
Spike 100

super mario 3 enemy buster beetle
Buster Beetle 100

super mario 3 enemy buzzy beetle
Buzzy Beetle 100

super mario 3 enemy para beetle
Parabeetle -

super mario 3 enemy muncher
Muncher -

super mario 3 enemy nipper
Nipper 100

super mario 3 enemy paranha plant
Piranha Plant 100

super mario 3 enemy ptooie
P'tooie 100

super mario 3 enemy venus fire trap
Venus Fire Trap 100

super mario 3 enemy giant piranha plant
Giant Piranha Plant 100

super mario 3 enemy lakitu
Lakitu 100

super mario 3 enemy spiny
Spiny 100

super mario 3 enemy hammer brother
Hammer Bro. 1000

super mario 3 enemy sledge hammer brother
Sledge Hammer Bro. 1000

super mario 3 enemy boomerang brother
Boomerang Bro. 1000

super mario 3 enemy fire brother
Fire Brother 1000

super mario 3 enemy boo
Boo Diddly -

super mario 3 enemy dry bones
Dry Bones 100

super mario 3 enemy hot foot
Hot Foot -

super mario 3 enemy stretch
Stretch -

super mario 3 enemy thwomp
Thwomp -

super mario 3 enemy cheep cheep
Cheep Cheep 100

super mario 3 enemy spiny cheep
Spiny Cheep 100

super mario 3 enemy baby cheep
Baby Cheep 100

super mario 3 enemy boss bass
Boss Bass 100

super mario 3 enemy blooper
Blooper 100

super mario 3 enemy blooper nanny
Blooper Nanny 100

super mario 3 enemy jelectro
Jelectro -

super mario 3 enemy lava lotus
Lava Lotus -

super mario 3 enemy bo-bomb
Bo-Bomb 100

super mario 3 enemy bullet bill
Bullet Bill 100

super mario 3 enemy cannon ball
Cannon Ball 100

super mario 3 enemy missile bill
Missile Bill 100

super mario 3 enemy chain chomper
Chain Chomper 100

super mario 3 enemy fire chomper
Fire Chomper 100

super mario 3 enemy fire snake
Fire Snake 100

super mario 3 enemy angry sun
Angry Sun -

 Final Fantasy Series

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Super mario Brothers is a of Nintendo. All images, music, logo's, etc are Nintendo.